id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-8500 Eberhart, George M. New Publications 2011-01-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1290 59 60 Death in a Small Package: A Short History of Anthrax, by Susan D. Jones (329 pages, Sep- tember 2010), reviews the interactions of ani- mals and humans with the anthrax bacillus, C&RL News January 2011 54 from the infections of French textile workers in the 18th century and Louis Pasteur’s 1881 vac- cine to its weaponization in the 20th century, the Sverdlovsk anthrax leak of 1979, and the 2001 U.S. postal anthrax attacks. Some of the new authors covered are L. A. Banks, Christine Feehan, Charlaine Harris, Ste- phenie Meyer, and Lisa Jane Smith. cache/crln-8500.pdf txt/crln-8500.txt