id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-8385 ACRL Research Planning and Review Committee, 2010 top ten trends in academic libraries: A review of the current literature 2010-06-01 7 .pdf application/pdf 3991 231 44 While only 14.8 percent of respondents indicated that they wanted to use library services, this percent- age is likely to grow quickly, as vendors of- fer mobile interfaces to electronic resources, mobile applications for OPACs increase, and more libraries offer reference services via text messaging and mobile interfaces to their own digital collections. News respondents include the effect of Google Books on library collections, the monopoliza- tion of content resulting from consolidation in the publishing industry and the demise of a number of smaller publishers and pub- lications, and a growth in shared collection development. • Budget challenges will continue and libraries will evolve as a result. cache/crln-8385.pdf txt/crln-8385.txt