id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-8312 Eberhart, George M. New Publications 2010-01-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1311 61 66 Sea of Dangers: Captain Cook and His Rivals in the South Pacifi c, by Geoffrey Blainey (322 pages, May 2009), retells the epic story of Cook’s fi rst voyage in the Endeavour in search of a suspected southern continent in 1768–1771. My new favorite German word is Fingerspitz- engefühl (literally, “fi ngertip feeling”), which Darnton describes as our physical interac- tion with media, whether it’s paging through a book, adjusting a radio dial, or thumbing a text message. cache/crln-8312.pdf txt/crln-8312.txt