id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-8191 Eberhart, George M. New Publications 2009-05-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1184 56 55 In 1931, the two met in Zürich and shortly afterward Pauli, who was having diffi cul- ties with depression, signed up for psy- choanalysis with one of Jung’s pupils. The New Bibliopolis: French Book Collec­ tors and the Culture of Print, 1880–1914, by Willa Z. Silverman (312 pages, August 2008), describes the Golden Age of book collecting and book arts in fin de siècle Paris, especially the eccentric author and journalist Octave Uzanne (1851–1931), the doyen of French bibliophilia, whose 1897 manifesto La Nou- velle Bibliopolis praised the amateur collector of fine books. cache/crln-8191.pdf txt/crln-8191.txt