id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-8083 by the ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Task Force on Core Competencies for Special, RBMS competencies for special collections professionals: Approved by the ACRL Board of Directors, July 2008 2008-11-01 8 .pdf application/pdf 4091 194 31 624 K. Understands the security and preserva­ tion needs of the collections, both in storage and during use L. Understands the purpose, construction, and presentation of formal descriptions of special collections materials, such as bibli­ ographies, bibliographic utilities, catalogs, and fi nding aids M. Is committed to promoting the appre­ ciation and use of special collections materi­ als to a variety of audiences and is able to engage those audiences with the excitement that original materials can inspire N. Is committed to integrating special collections into the broader institutional environment and is able to collaborate suc­ cessfully within the larger organization and community O. Possesses well­developed oral and written communication skills in order to promote special collections effectively to diverse audiences, to inspire interest in the teaching, learning, and research potential of special collections materials, and to heighten commitments to the organization’s purposes and programs F.2. cache/crln-8083.pdf txt/crln-8083.txt