id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-7851 American Library Association, ACRL Board of Directors’ actions, June 2007: Highlights of the Board’s Annual Conference meetings 2007-09-01 5 .pdf application/pdf 1905 80 38 The ACRL Board will appoint a task force to begin an assessment of the pilot in Year 3. Approved the FY2008 budget with total revenues of $2,118,408 and total expenses of $2,714,033 for ACRL (not including CHOICE) and total revenues of $3,273,076 and total expenses of $3,055,127 for CHOICE. Asked that the Budget and Finance Com- mittee act on other recommendations of the Friends of ACRL Review Task Force fi nal re­ port, including the creation of a subcommit­ tee of the Budget and Finance Committee to investigate the potential for developing a Ma­ jor Gifts program for ACRL, by the 2007 fall ACRL Executive Committee meeting. cache/crln-7851.pdf txt/crln-7851.txt