id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-7604 Todaro, Julie The power of persuasion: Grassroots advocacy in the academic library 2006-04-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1678 59 40 Alire’s vision for her presidency is an exciting, multifaceted view that includes a commitment to expanding opportunities to develop front­ line librarians.2 In her own words, under her “Charting our future: Advocacy to advance academic libraries” umbrella, “No matter what positions we hold in our libraries, our responsibilities seem to be ever­changing as we face increasing challenges, such as the reality of reduced funding, the demand for more electronic resources and services, the expectation to lead scholarly communica­ tion discussion and action, the certainty of retirements en masse, and the challenge to diversify our institutions and academic libraries’ workforce, among others.” 2. Camila A. Alire, “Charting our future: Advocating to advance academic libraries: The 2005–06 ACRL President’s focus,” C&RL (continued on page 268) April 2006 229 C&RL cache/crln-7604.pdf txt/crln-7604.txt