id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-7373 the ACRL Literatures in English Section Ad hoc Committee on Literary Research Competencies, Research competency guidelines for literatures in English: A draft 2005-01-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1077 70 45 jan05b.indd standards and guidelines Research competency guidelines for literatures in English A draft by the ACRL Literatures in English Section Ad hoc Committee on Literary Research Competencies Purpose of the guidelines • To aid students of literatures in English in the development of thorough and produc­ tive research skills; • to encourage the development of a common language for librarians, faculty, and students involved with research related to literatures in English; • to encourage librarian and faculty col­ laboration in the teaching of research meth­ ods to students of literatures in English; • to aid librarians and faculty in the de­ velopment of research methods courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Learn the different types of Internet Development of the Guidelines “Research competency guidelines for literatures in English” were first developed for use within ACRL’s Literature in English Section (LES).Although based on the framework of the “Information literacy competency standards for higher education,” these guidelines address the need for a more specific and source­oriented approach within the discipline of English literatures, with a concrete list of research skills. cache/crln-7373.pdf txt/crln-7373.txt