id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-25486 Roth-Katz, Esther One step at a time: Integrating the Companion Document to the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education: Social Work into an existing instruction program 2022-06-02 6 .pdf application/pdf 2380 88 41 Information literacy instruction for Social Work students As outlined in the literature on information literacy instruction and social work education, there are a number of challenges that librarians consistently face when providing support to this student population.2 A common theme, and one that will be familiar to librarians working in other disciplines, is the tension between preparing students to complete aca- demic work and preparing them for the information landscape they will encounter after graduation.3 Sarah C. Johnson, Margaret Bausman, and Sarah Laleman Ward, “Fostering Informa- tion Literacy: A Call for Collaboration Between Academic Librarians and MSW Instructors,” Advances in Social Work 21, no. 1 (June 14, 2021): 1–25,; K. Pendell and E. Kimball, “Academic Library Instruction, Evidence-Based Practice, and Social Workers: An Exploratory Survey,” Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian 36, no. 4 (2020): 209–24,; Tricia Jane Bingham, Josie Wirjapranata, and Shirley-Ann Chinnery, “Merging Information Literacy and Evidence- Based Practice for Social Work Students,” New Library World 117, no. 3/4 (March 2016): 201–13, 3. cache/crln-25486.pdf txt/crln-25486.txt