id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-24891 Phillips, Kathleen; Lynn, Valerie A.; Yenser, Amie; Wissinger, Christina Beyond the lab: Virtual reality for undergraduate Anatomy and Physiology students 2021-04-05 4 .pdf application/pdf 2435 107 45 VR apps include 3D Organon VR Anatomy, YOU by Sharecare, Osso VR (surgical practice), and EmbodiedLabs (empathy training).8,9 In 2014, the Penn State-Hazleton head librar- ian and a biology professor formed a partnership to purchase iPads with anatomy apps for student use in the laboratory and library.10 Building on the success of this project, librarians from the Penn State University main campus invited the Hazleton research team to participate in a study that would use VR technology for anatomy and physiology undergraduate education. At the end of the spring semester another student survey was distributed to determine student VR experiences. cache/crln-24891.pdf txt/crln-24891.txt