id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-24147 Stevens, Norman D. INNOVATIONS: Humor and creativity 2020-02-12 3 .pdf application/pdf 2512 91 59 N o rm an D. Stevens, as d ire c to r of th e Molesworth Institute, has an abiding interest in collecting as well as creating library humor. In the afternoon participants will have the op­ portunity to attend four break-out sessions and choose from eight topics: • Deborah Murphy, University of California, Santa Cruz, and creator of BiblioMania, will lead a session on developing desktop CAI; • Claudette Hagle, University of Dallas, will address the one-shot lecture; • choosing and using appropriate technology will be the focus of a session led by Pauline Rankin, Louisiana State University; • Sarah W atstein, H unter College, will present a session on burnout in BI librarians; • Sandra Ready, Mankato State University, will lead a session on teaching the online catalog; • Jane Kleiner, head of reference at Louisiana State University, will focus on teaching the end- user to search databases; • Alan W . cache/crln-24147.pdf txt/crln-24147.txt