id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-24011 Rader, Hannelore B. ACRL President’s letter 2020-02-12 2 .pdf application/pdf 1272 49 45 Following are examples of some profes­ sional associations to which ACRL members be­ long: American Association of Higher Education American Historical Association American Association of State Colleges and Uni­ versities American Association of University Professors American Psychological Association American Sociological Association American Educational Research Association American Marketing Association American Society for Public Administrators American Statistical Association Association of Educational Communication and Technology American Chemical Society American Association for the Advancement of Science College English Association Economic History Association National W omen’s Studies Association Society for History of Technology Articles by non-librarians are beginning to ap­ pear in ACRL publications, and there has also been a slight increase in the num ber of articles by librari­ ans in the non-library higher education literature. • I n addition to the ACRL President’s Program, Sections, Committees and Discussion Groups spon­ sored 22 programs during the ALA Annual Confer­ ence in New York, June 28-July 3, 1986. •M ost of the 38 ACRL Chapters also sponsored programs throughout the United States to provide their membership with relevant professional devel­ opment opportunities. cache/crln-24011.pdf txt/crln-24011.txt