id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-23757 Dunn Jr., John A. Research Forum: The Tufts/EDUCOM data-sharing project for library statistics 2020-02-11 2 .pdf application/pdf 1209 36 68 The project has th ree com ponents: E D U C O M ’s Higher E ducation D ata-S h arin g Service (HEDS) software; sets of definitions an d ratios (d ata p ro ­ files) developed by Tufts U niversity w ith th e guid­ ance of the m em bers; an d collections of d a ta con­ trib u ted by th e m e m b e r schools. Profiles include both th e base in ­ p u t d a ta an d a w ide variety of com puted ratios, grow th rates, an d com parisons to n atio n al statis­ tics. cache/crln-23757.pdf txt/crln-23757.txt