id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-23733 Library Association, American Advertiser index 2020-02-11 1 .pdf application/pdf 1128 90 94 ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ July/August 2003 / 483 Pat Wand, university librarian at American U n i­ versity, has received the District o f C olum bia Li­ brary Association’s (DCLA) 2003 Distinguished Ser­ vice Award for her long history o f leadership positions in DCLA, including president (1996—97) and cur­ rently as chair o f the District o f C olum bia delega­ tion to N ational Legislative Day. H artsook began his professional career in 1979 as an archivist at the S outh C a ro lin a D e p a rt­ m en t o f Archives, joined th e s ta f f cache/crln-23733.pdf txt/crln-23733.txt