id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-23465 Davis, Mary Ellen News from the Field 1996-01-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1461 73 58 ern o r m eets students d ig itally In November the Honorable Fob Jam es, gover­ nor o f Alabama, met with an information policy class o f students at the University o f Alabama School The class is taught via the Intercampus Interactive Telecommunications System (ITS), a two-way compressed video system with sites through­ out Alabam a. Students at sites in Atmore, 6 /C&RL News Ron D octor facilitates a discussion between his library science students and the g o v ern or o f Alabama via an Interactive Telecom m unications System at the University cache/crln-23465.pdf txt/crln-23465.txt