id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-23391 Lynch, Mary Jo; Karr, Ronald Dale RESEARCH FORUM: Research at ALA 1984-09-01 5 .pdf application/pdf 3182 156 64 LRRT was of­ ficially organized “to contribute tow ard the exten­ sion and improvement of library research; to pro­ vide public program opportunities for describing and criticizing library research projects and for dis­ seminating their findings; to orient and educate ALA members concerning research techniques and th eir usefulness in o b tain in g in form ation w ith which to reach administrative decisions and solve problem s.” Currently LRRT has a three-part program to achieve the ends just stated. Com puter centers haven’t altogether es­ caped their initial o rientation—FORTRAN re­ mains popular—but the great expansion in com­ puting, first by social scientists and now by the entire academic community, has forced the centers to diversify. cache/crln-23391.pdf txt/crln-23391.txt