id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-23072 Simon, James E.; Chadwick, Alena F.; Craker, Lyle E.; Ashby, Jacqueline A.; Gomez, Stella The ACRL awards program, 1989 1989-09-01 8 .pdf application/pdf 4883 365 64 re la ted sciences com piled by an A m erican citizen during th e two-year period p re ­ ceding th e year in w hich the award is made. Keyes D. M etcalf and Robert D. Downs (1978); H en riette D. Avram and F re d e r­ ick G. Kilgour (1979); E van Ira F a rb e r (1980); cache/crln-23072.pdf txt/crln-23072.txt