id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-22817 Davis, Mary Ellen News from the field 1995-04-01 5 .pdf application/pdf 2884 127 59 Billy Frye, chairman of the Commission, and Mar­ tin M. Cummings, chairman of the Council, said, “We see the joint appointment as a major step in strengthening the programs of CLR and the Commission as they support and advocate the essential role o f libraries in a time of changing opportunities and needs.” C om m ission a n d CLR v o te to a ff ilia te The Boards o f Directors o f the Commission on Preservation and Access and the Council on Library Resources (CLR) voted on February 24 to affiliate with one another, with the first step being a joint presidency. cache/crln-22817.pdf txt/crln-22817.txt