id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-22631 Bradley, Lynne E. Washington Hotline 2003-11-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 742 37 66 This important piece of legislation would amend the USA PATRIOT Act in the following ways: • restore privacy protections for library and bookseller records, allowing law enforce­ ment to obtain the records of individuals only when “there are specific and articulable facts giving reason to believe that the per­ son to whom the records pertain is a foreign power or an agent of a foreign power”; • exempt libraries from “national secu­ rity letters,” which are nonjudicial subpoe­ nas issued internally in the FBI that allow the FBI to get e-mail and Internet “transac­ tional records”; • add oversight provisions to the Justice Department’s request for records from librar­ ies and bookstores; • extend the sunset provision of the USA PATRIOT Act; and • provide other civil liberties protections. This bill would curb the overly broad powers allowed to law enforcement by the USA PATRIOT Act. cache/crln-22631.pdf txt/crln-22631.txt