id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-22410 Library Association, American ACRL Bylaws: A proposed revision 1998-02-01 7 .pdf application/pdf 4688 279 59 A proposed amendment to the bylaws shall be voted upon by Association members after it has been approved by a majority of the Board members present and voting at two consecu­ tive meetings held not less than two months apart. The Executive Committee may act in place and stead of the Board of Directors between Board meet­ ings and may: a) act for the Board and make decisions on matters which: (1) require action before the next Board meeting, (2) have been specifically delegated by the Board to the Executive Committee, (3) affect the budget and require im­ mediate action; b) act for the Board in the administration of established policies and programs and make recommendations to the Board with respect to matters of policy and operations; and c) review ACRL activities and programs and recommended priorities. cache/crln-22410.pdf txt/crln-22410.txt