id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-22200 Library Association, American PUBLICATIONS 1986-05-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 2000 94 74 A second ad hoc com m ittee I proposed, and the Executive C om m ittee approved, is th e CLS H istor­ ical Comm ission (a nam e selected by its members) w ith Susan C am pbell as chair. BI p lan n in g m aterials for seven libraries are provided in th e kit, along w ith three examples of CAI program s and m icrocom puter-based instruc­ tion, tw o descriptions of g ra d u a te student instruc­ tion, and one description of in tern atio n al student instruction. cache/crln-22200.pdf txt/crln-22200.txt