id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-22091 Larson, Jeffry; Wall, Celia RESEARCH FORUM Degree of overlap in instructional collections: A reconsideration 1985-10-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 2236 93 56 Presumably the missions of research libraries differ at least as much among themselves, espe­ cially in the more recondite subfields, than do the curricula that are supported by instructional col­ lections; one would expect this to be true particu­ larly in the conservative disciplines involving a tra ­ ditional canon of texts, such as English or French literature. The plan, as detailed in Anderson’s arti­ cle, was based on three beliefs: 1) Many astute library directors recognize re­ search as an opportunity to: • enhance the library’s status in the university and in the profession; • lift staff morale; and • investigate persistent problems scientifically. 2) Many bright academic librarians would enjoy doing research if they had: • administrative support (time, money, recog­ nition); • confidence in their ability; • help and training. cache/crln-22091.pdf txt/crln-22091.txt