id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-22001 Henderson, Carol WASHINGTON HOTLINE 1981-11-01 1 .pdf application/pdf 548 16 32 The commission’s responsibilities include conducting a literature and data review and synthesis, comparing the education systems of several advanced countries with the U.S., studying the effect of postsecondary admission stan­ dards and course requirements on high school curricula and achievement, identi­ fying secondary schools whose students do exceptionally well in college as well as colleges and universities which hold to high admissions standards and have worked with high schools, reviewing relevant changes in American education and society during the past quarter century, and holding hearings and receiving testimony and expert advice. Council on Library Resources; Anne Campbell, Commissioner of Education for Nebraska; Emeral A. Crosby, Principal, Northern High School, Detroit; Charles A. Foster, Jr., President, Foundation for Teaching Economics, San Francisco; Norman C. Francis, President, Xavier University, New Orleans; A. Bartlett Giamatti, President, Yale University; Shirley Gordon, President, Highline Community College, Midway, Washington; Robert V. Haderlein, President, National School Boards Association; Gerald Holton, Professor of Physics and History of Science, Harvard; Annette Y. Kirk, former high school teacher, Mecosta County, Michigan; Margaret S. Marston, member, Virginia State Board of Education; Albert H. Quie, Governor of Minnesota; Francisco D. Sanchez, Jr., superintendent, Albuquerque Public Schools; Glenn T. Seaborg, Chemistry Professor, University of California, Berkeley; Jay Sommer, foreign language teacher, New Rochelle, New York; Richard Wallace, principal, Lutheran High School East, Cleveland Heights, Ohio. cache/crln-22001.pdf txt/crln-22001.txt