id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-21218 Fuller, F. Jay Evaluating student assistants as library employees 1990-01-01 4 .pdf application/pdf 2743 109 50 If the evaluating staff p e r­ ceives student workers as an expendable com m od­ ity, whose worth can be m easured solely in term s of how m uch labor can be acquired for nominal costs in both tim e and money, then student employees simply function as cogs in the great library ma­ chine, and one’s formal evaluation may consist of an elem entary mathematical formula designed to rank perform ance on an absolute and im mutable scale. Although this enormously simplifies the evalu­ ation process, it leaves much to be desired in term s o f providing for a positive work environm ent or for giving student employees valuable feedback on their work. cache/crln-21218.pdf txt/crln-21218.txt