id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-21153 Hedberg, Jane Preservation News 2003-10-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 654 30 46 This 758-page “bible” o f color photography contains 20 chapters that cover which products last longest, accelerated ag­ ing tests, light fading, dark fading, yellowish stain­ ing, monitoring, permanent preservation of color motion pictures, print mounting, handling and matting photographs, materials for storage and display, display illumination, storage environments, and much more. Its 720 pages include editorials and en­ dorsements, papers from the Ju n e 2000 FIAF Congress, essays and anecdotes about nitrate film, accounts o f nitrate restoration projects, plus a bibliography and filmography. cache/crln-21153.pdf txt/crln-21153.txt