id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-21151 ACRL’s Instruction Section, The Policy Committee of ACRL STANDARDS & GUIDELINES: Guidelines for instruction programs in academic libraries: Approved by the ACRL Board, June 2003 2003-10-01 4 .pdf application/pdf 2299 87 32 To best assist academic and research librarians in preparing and developing effective instructional programs, the following guidelines are recom­ mended. I. Program design A. Statement of p urpose The library should have a written mission state­ ment for its instructional program that; • articulates its purpose for the instruction pro­ gram in the context of the educational mission of the institution and the needs of the learning com­ munity; • involves its institutional community in the formulation of campus-wide information literacy goals and general outcomes; • aligns its goals with the “Information Lit­ eracy Competency Standards for Higher Educa­ tion,” and clearly states a definition of informa­ tion literacy; • recognizes the diverse nature of the learning community, including the varieties of learning theory, attitudes, educational levels, life experi­ ences, cultures, technology skill levels, and other learner variables, such as proximity to the campus itself (distance learning students); • recognizes that instruction programs prepare learners not only for immediate curricular activi­ ties, but also for experiences with infomiation use beyond die classroom—in work settings, careers, continuing education and self-development, and lifelong learning in general; and • reflects changes in the institution and learn­ ing community through regular review and revi­ sion when appropriate. The library’s specific learning outcomes should be aligned with the “Objectives for Information Literacy Instruc­ tion,” which are designed to assist instruction librarians in expanding upon the more generic “Competency Standards,” and in specifying dis- Guidelines for instruction programs in academic libraries cache/crln-21151.pdf txt/crln-21151.txt