id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-20579 Library Association, American Classified Advertising 1982-12-01 5 .pdf application/pdf 4714 292 41 Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program with a doctorate, completed or nearing completion, in library studies or a related field; professional experience both in library services and in teaching; expertise in use of bibliographic utilities and online computer services; evidence of potential for research. The University is seeking an individual with a background in both public and technical services who will provide lead­ ership in working with library staff, faculty, and ad­ ministrators, who is knowledgeable about the appli­ cation of computer technology to library processes and who can design and implement innovative pro­ jects to increase existing Library resources. cache/crln-20579.pdf txt/crln-20579.txt