id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-20249 Library Association, American COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES NEWS INDEX TO VOL 52 (1991) 1992-02-01 27 .pdf application/pdf 16341 428 53 Coop., “Bloomfield College hosts ‘T he mul­ ticultural library: the way o f the fu­ tu re,’ ” 446 “E uropean university libraries exam­ ined,” Fatzer, 499-501 Euster, Joanne R., news notes, 189, 332; port., 446 “T he evolution of affirmative action at the University of Arizona Library,” Hartse, 7-11 “Excellence through cultural diversity,” Unaeze, 495 “An exercise to test perception o f ex­ pectations for tenure and promo­ tion,” Grumling, 300-301 “Exhibits & displays focus o f new dis­ cussion group,” ACRL, ED D G , 677 “Experim enting with reference referral in a m ultitype environm ent,” Dunn, 363-65 F “Faculty start-up costs and library sup­ port,’ Stevens, 491-93 “Faculty status think tank seeks input,” ACRL, ASC, 733 “Faculty status: 2001,” ACRL, ASC, 167 Fajardo, Lieselotte, retired, 463 Farber, Evan Ira, ports., 505-6,672 Fatzer, Jill, “European university li­ braries examined,” 499-501; “Ideas for dealing with economic crisis,” 501-2; “Librarians take on other ad­ ministrative duties,” 502 “F eature your collection on a Có-RL news cover,” 484,587 Fellowships, 6, 11, 44, 56, 87-89, 156, 332, 460, 514-15, 534, 600, 677-78, 682 Ferris State U., news note, 391-92 Figueredo, Danilo H ., port., 446 Fitzgibbons, Shirley, news note, 752 Fogleman, M arguerite F ., retired, 536 Foíts, James D., news note, 752 “Food for thought,” Gater, 711 Force, Ronald W., prof., 532 Ford, Barbara J., “ACRL president’s letter” & port., 4-6; “ACRL presi­ d en t’s report” & port., 421-23; “Latin American seminar on official publica­ tions makes recom mendations,” 583; “Message from the president” & port., 659-60; ports., 500, 505-6, 672; prof. & port., 532; “Update from the ACRL president” & port., 148-49; “Update: information literacy,” 296 Ford, Robert, retired, 684 Ford F., “Diversity initiatives,” 240 “Forming a national information policy: selections from a W hite House C on­ ference diary,” C ochrane, 740-41 Forth, Stuart, “Preparing for the White House Conference,” 51 Foster, Beth, port., 678 “F our paradigms for sharing library re­ sources,” Ritter, 366-68 Fraser, C. William, news note, 605-6 “Free expression still valued,” 494 “Free folk music guide,” LC, AFC, 232 Free Lib. of Phila., news note, 391 Freitag Wolfgang M., retired, 190 FOLÜSA, “More valuable than money: outstanding friends groups hailed,” 635-39; “Offers ideas th at work for your friends groups,” 638 Friends of the LSÚ Lib., John Cotton D ana Library Public Relations Award & photo., 428-30 “Fund fare exchange at ALA confer­ ence in Atlanta,” LAMA, 292 “Furness library is restored,” U. of Pa., 303 (photo., cover, no. 5) Fustukjian, Samuel Y., prof. & port., 532 “Futurist to speak at ACRL Sixth Na­ tional C onference” & port., 715 G Gabrielian, Leon, retired, 463 Garland, Kathleen, prof., 265 Garoogian, Andy, retired, 684 Gater, H elen L., “Food for thought,” “Genre terms available,” ACRL, RBMS, 365 Geraci, Diane, “Global data issues raised at IASSIST’s 17th annual con­ ference,” 728-29 Gerits, Anton, news note, 682 “Getting connected to th e White House Conference through the ACRL Legislative N e tw o r k / Davis, 311-13 Gilchrist, Debra, prof., 751-52 Gillespie, David, news note, D eborah D., “T o e at or not to eat— in th e library,” 709-10 Ham aker, Charles A., news notes, 332, 752-53 Handm an, Gary, “Teaching m ethods for end-user searching: a checklist for planning,” 431-36 H aner, Barbara, news note, 753 Hardesty, Larry L., ports., 505, 672 Harlan, D onna B., retired, 120 Harmeling, D eborah, Sr., news note, 332 H arm sen, Tyrus G., retired, 536 H art, James D., deceased, 190-91 Hartm an, A nne-Marie, retired, 684 H artse, M erri, “T he evolution o f affir­ mative action at th e University o f Ar­ izona Library,” 7-11 “Harvard Law School honors Archibald Cox,” 601 Harvard U., Leab Exhibition Catalogue Award, 252,668; news note, 329 Hauge, Harris, retired, 463 “HB CU data published,” ACRL, HBCU C, 502 H enderson, Barbara, photo., 746 H enderson, Carol C., W ashington h ot­ line, 46-47, 176, 235-36, 310-11, 377-79, 443-44, 513-14, 588-89, 646- 47, 737-38; com m ent, 493 H enderson, Cathy, “The issues of ac­ cess a nd restriction,” 633-34 H enderson, Kathryn Luther, news note, 533 Hendricks, Yoshi, “T he Japanese as li­ brary patrons,” 221-25 H erron, Nancy L., “Recarpeting a small college library: a practical ap­ proach,” 39-43 H erubel, Jean-Pierre V. M., “To ‘de­ gree’ or no t to ‘degree’: academic li­ brarians and subject expertise,” 437 Hickey, D am on D., prof? & port., 458- cache/crln-20249.pdf txt/crln-20249.txt