id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-19882 Davis, Mary Ellen K. In the News 1994-04-01 6 .pdf application/pdf 1401 78 75 I See It C ollege libraries and the n ew technology Thomas G. Kirk 196 Actions: ACRL Board of Directors, February 1994 199 ACRL leaders address future 199 ULS business meeting highlights 200 ULS discusses virtual libraries and publishing 201 ACRL honors the 1994 a w a rd winners 202 H oadley receives ACRL’s highest honor Pam Spiegel 203 ALA candidates' forum encourages lively debate Charles Bunge, Marilyn Gell Mason, and Betty J. Turock 208 Candidates for ALA Council 211 The time to lead 213 ACRL preconferences in Miami Beach 214 About the cover Irene Hoadley, director o f the Sterling C. Evans Library Capital Campaign, Texas A&M Uni­ versity, has been named ACRL’s 1994 Aca­ demic/Research Librarian o f the Year. For members o f ACRL, $12.50 per year, in clud ed in m em b ersh ip du es; for n on m em bers, $30.00 per year in U.S., $35.00 per year in Canada and other PUAS countries, $40.00 in other foreign countries. cache/crln-19882.pdf txt/crln-19882.txt