id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-19828 Library Association, American CORNELL PROGRAM 1969-08-31 1 .pdf application/pdf 631 21 38 Operating from a central office at the Iowa State University library, Sage will share his time equally among the libraries of the Uni­ ver L sity of Iowa, Iowa State and the University IBRARIES: A Resource for Human Understanding Make your resources more effective— Join A L A Celebrate A LA Membership Day October 21, 1969 Request Free Membership Promotion Materials Membership Promotion Office American Library Association 50 East Huron, Chicago, III. ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 268 COORDINATOR OF AUTOMATED LIBRARY SERVICES TO SERVE IOWA’S STATE UNIVERSITIES Charles R. Sage, presently Vice-President and Director of SHARE Research Corporation, Santa Barbara, California, and formerly a sen­ ior systems analyst at the Ames AEC Laboratory at Iowa State University, has been named the new Coordinator of Automated Library Serv­ ices for the three state universities of Iowa. cache/crln-19828.pdf txt/crln-19828.txt