id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-19604 Library Association, American SUBJECT ANALYSIS OF LIBRARY MATERIALS 1969-04-01 1 .pdf application/pdf 849 37 55 Major pre­ sentations will b e made by Bill J. Priest, chancellor, Dallas County Junior College Dis­ trict, Dallas, Texas; Gabriel Ofiesh, chairman, departm ent of educational technology, Catholic University, Washington, D.C.; James Zigerall, Dean, TV College, Chicago City College; and Carol Zion, assistant to the vice-president, Miami Dade Junior College. ■■ A C R L /JC L S P R E C O N F E R E N C E “New Strategies for Learning: the Im pact of Instructional Technology Upon th e Junior College” will be th e them e of a preconference sponsored by the American Association of Junior Colleges and th e Association of College and Research Libraries at Atlantic City from June 19-21. cache/crln-19604.pdf txt/crln-19604.txt