id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-19520 Munroe, Mary University Libraries Section—Midwinter report 1993-03-01 1 .pdf application/pdf 712 27 50 Lessons Learned Along the Way,” with featured speakers Mary Reichel of Appalachian State University, Rao Aluri of Parkway Pub­ lishers, Karyle Butcher of Oregon State Uni­ versity, and Jane Conrow of Arizona State Uni­ versity. Among the recommendations approved were: 1) make $12,367 available from the ACRL fund balance to finance specific ACRL projects in FY 1993; 2) request approval from the ALA Executive Board to transfer $10,000 from the ACRL fund balance into the ACRL endowment; 3) provide funding in the FY 1994 budget for two eight-page section newsletters for those sections currently producing newsletters; 4) allocate $100,000 during FY 1993 and FY 1994 for planning the Seventh ACRL Na­ tional Conference in 1995 in Pittsburgh. (Ed. note: The 1994 budget will undergo a n ­ other review; fin a l approval will be m ade a t cache/crln-19520.pdf txt/crln-19520.txt