id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-19444 Wand, Patricia A. White House Conference update 1990-06-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 743 29 62 Those planning events in calendar year 1990 are: • Illinois, April 4 -6 • American Samoa, April 11-12 • Nevada, May 10-11 • Connecticut, May 22-24 • Michigan, May 3 1 -Ju n e 1 • Georgia, Septem ber 5 -6 • Hawaii, Septem ber 7 -8 • Pennsylvania, S eptem ber 13-15 • Minnesota, S eptem ber 16-17 • Maryland, Septem ber 23-25 • Louisiana, Septem ber/O ctober • New Jersey, Septem ber or D ecem ber • Colorado, O ctober 8-10 • W est Senator Tom H arkin (D-IA), in his briefing of librarians, announced th at as chair o f the Senate L abor-H H S-E ducation Appropriations Subcom ­ m ittee, he would include additional funding for W H C LIS through the Supplem ental A ppropria­ tions Bill (Senate HR4404). cache/crln-19444.pdf txt/crln-19444.txt