id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-19292 Lynch, Mary Jo National numbers on academic libraries 1993-01-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 846 37 58 This is what has happened: 1) In response to a 1985 National Research Council report that was very critical of NCES, the agency made many improvements in its overall program. 2) Because libraries were mentioned spe­ cifically in the section on NCES in the Hawkins- Stafford School Improvement Act of 1988, NCES is taking a special interest in library statistics and has established a Library Statistics Unit within its Postsecondary Education Statistics Division. 3) The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) now allows NCES to collect academic library statistics every two years (instead of every four years). 4) A system of library representatives has been established whereby a librarian in each state has agreed to help NCES with the bien­ nial data collection. 5) Data are submitted to NCES on disk and aggregated/analyzed by microcomputer. 6) The form and instructions have been re­ vised in response to suggestions from the li­ brary community. Answers to all of them and more can be found in Academ ic Libraries: 1990 soon to be published by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). cache/crln-19292.pdf txt/crln-19292.txt