id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-18770 Henderson, Carol C. Washington Hotline 1993-10-01 1 .pdf application/pdf 730 26 53 Nevertheless, Rooker saw the special nature of student theses, and stated: H ow ever, w hile these docum ents are clearly “education records,” as noted in our May 11, 1993, letter on this subject, w e rec­ ognize that u n d erg rad u ate and graduate “theses” often differ in nature from typical student research papers and other educa­ tion records, such as written examinations, in that they are published or otherwise made available as research sources for the aca­ dem ic community through the institution’s library. Neither the statute, the legislative his­ tory, n o r the FERPA regulations require institutions to depart from established prac­ tices regarding the placem ent or disclosure of student theses so long as students have been advised in advance that a particular undergraduate or graduate thesis will be m ade publicly available as part of the cur­ riculum requirem ents. cache/crln-18770.pdf txt/crln-18770.txt