id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-18656 Kranich, Nancy Higher Education Act revision due in 1985 1984-11-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1424 51 61 Over the next few m onths, the com m ittee will com plete its review of the criteria and report its findings to the ACRL Board and the ALA Legisla­ tio n C o m m itte e a t th e M id w in te r M e e tin g in W ashington. E d ite d by Suzanne C. D odson, U niversity of British C olum bia, and G ary L. Menges, University of W ashington, this 414-page volum e includes the full text of the nine them e papers, a transcript of the W rap-U p Session, and the full text of the 14 al­ ternative form at papers and the 47 contributed p a ­ pers. cache/crln-18656.pdf txt/crln-18656.txt