id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-18655 Library Association, American The changing role of libraries in higher education: A symposium at Northern Illinois 1984-11-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1512 55 63 “A lib rarian ’s knowledge m ay be unique in the uni­ versity,” Taylor said, “and m ay be m ore im p o rtan t th a n technical expertise alone.” Theodore W elch, N IU ’s director of libraries, re­ viewed the lib rary ’s crucial ability to com pete suc­ cessfully for available funds. e w a n , w h o spoke on th e eo-existence of hierarchical and collegial govern­ ance structures in academic libraries; Joe Boissé, university librarian at the University of C alifornia, Santa B arbara, who talked about collective b a r­ gaining (“its prim ary advantage is th a t it creates a new pow er base of unionized lib rarian s ’); and Paul Vassallo, dean of library services at the Uni­ versity of New Mexico, who emphasized the neces­ sity for adequate planning strategies for academic inform ation systems. cache/crln-18655.pdf txt/crln-18655.txt