id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-18616 Link, Terry; King, Joseph T. Letters 1993-02-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1013 52 77 The D artm outh C am pus Inform ation System (DCIS) w as p ro m o ted by R obert B rentrup, w h o spoke ab o u t a cam pus inform ation culture, and by A pple C om puter, w hich sp o n so red several hands-on dem onstrations. As a longtim e su p p o rter o f hum an rights back to the sixties, I have alw ays prided m yself in w orking for those w h o have b een discrim inated against. cache/crln-18616.pdf txt/crln-18616.txt