id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-18612 Kinder, Jackie; Eckman, Catherine Where do I go from here? 1993-02-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1770 107 89 are • Ask for in p u t from o th e r library staff • D eterm ine w h at ty p e o f signs are n e e d e d (e.g., service points: circulation, ref­ erence; facilities: copiers, p h o n e s, restroom s; directional: getting a ro u n d the building, getting a ro u n d a floor, getting o u t o f th e building) • Look at sign catalogs an d sam ples for ideas • D eterm in e sign form at (e.g., m o u ld ed -in jected letters, h an g in g signs, signs m o u n ted o n walls, p ain ted -o n signs, o r a com bination o f the above) • Select th e ty p e o f lettering to o o cache/crln-18612.pdf txt/crln-18612.txt