id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-18610 LaBorie, Tim Computer literacy over the campus network 1993-02-01 5 .pdf application/pdf 4448 291 88 Few of the trainees h ad significant DOS skills, b u t to use the n etw ork effectively they n e e d e d to u n d er­ stand th e structure x e r c ise # 6: P ro d u ctiv ity so ftw a re. Al­ th ough the trainees h a d opportunities to learn standard applications like w ord processing, they February 1993 / 73 n e e d e d to leam h o w to access applications from the server an d sto re files o n the n etw o rk drives. cache/crln-18610.pdf txt/crln-18610.txt