id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-18585 Library Association, American News from the Field 1984-10-01 4 .pdf application/pdf 2385 95 53 Peterson, past Chair of ALA’s Government Documents Round Table, also testified in August 1 9 8 3 at a DOE hearing on the original proposal (April 1, 1983 Federal Register, pp.13988- 93), expressing concern about the broad scope of the restrictions on access to information on nuclear materials, including documents already distributed to federal depository libraries which are depositories of DOE nuclear materials. Editorial work will be supported by the Mellon grant, while the NEH will support a three-year program of filming the works chosen by the edito­ rial board. • California State Polytechnic University, Po- mona, has received a gift of $500 from the Southern California Chapter of the Association of Energy Engineers to purchase energy-related books in sup­ port of students and faculty in mechanical engi­ neering. • CLASS, the Cooperative Library Agency for Systems and Services, San Jose, California, has re­ ceived two LSCA grants: $97,600 for withdrawals from the database and evaluation of CATALIST as a monograph finding tool for California libraries; and $350,000 for corrections and changes to the database for publishing the 10th edition of CULP, the California Union List of Periodicals. cache/crln-18585.pdf txt/crln-18585.txt