id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-18182 Library Association, American Standards for ethical conduct for rare book, manuscript, and special collections librarians 1984-07-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1194 47 45 Rare book, manuscript, and special collections librarians shall not appraise for personal profit any rare book, manuscript, or special collections materials except with the knowl­ edge of their supervisors. Personal dealing Rare book, manuscript, and special collections librarians shall not deal in rare books, manuscripts, and special collections materials for personal mon­ etary profit without the knowledge of their super­ visors; nor shall they be party to the recommending of materials for purchase, by institutions or by col­ lectors, if they have any undisclosed financial in­ terest in these materials; nor shall they accept any commission, or undisclosed or otherwise compro­ mising gift from any seller or buyer of such materi­ als. cache/crln-18182.pdf txt/crln-18182.txt