id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-18151 Van Note, Roy Nelson UPPER MISSISSIPPI ACADEMIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 1968-06-30 1 .pdf application/pdf 614 27 57 The meeting was chaired by William T. Casey, head librarian, State College at Fitch­ burg, and chairman of the Council of Massa­ chusetts State College Librarians. Examples of these problems are temporary storage space for the growing selections while waiting for new library facilities; standardiza­ tion of library cataloging in order to take ad­ vantage of centralized acquisition and process­ ing; definition of staffing needs in terms of work to be done; and standardization of ad­ ministrative practices in such areas as mate­ rials acquisition. cache/crln-18151.pdf txt/crln-18151.txt