id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-17867 Library Association, American News from the Field 1967-02-01 5 .pdf application/pdf 4034 183 53 Hofstra University library and footbridge, designed by Warner, Burns, Toan, Lunde won the fifth annual award of the Concrete Indus­ tries Board on November 16. A comprehensive study directed toward identifying ways in which medical scientists seek information in their own working environ­ ments for which the National Library of Med­ icine has made a grant of $38,653 to North­ western University, is entitled “Experiments on Information Environments of Researchers.” Wichita State University library received $10,000 for the purchase of Shakespeare books, through a bequest from the Lenora N. Mc­ Gregor estate. cache/crln-17867.pdf txt/crln-17867.txt