id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-17469 Johnson, Anna Marie Librarian sabbaticals: Overcoming the hurdles and realizing the benefits 2018-12-05 4 .pdf application/pdf 2554 126 59 In the library literature, the rea- sons for sabbaticals include an antidote to stress and burnout, helping the organiza- tion move forward, and serving to provide equivalency to teaching faculty, but only a relatively small percentage of eligible librarians actually take their sabbaticals.1 An overlooked reason for academic librar- ians to take sabbaticals is found in the irony that although we support faculty and students as they complete complex research projects, librarians often do not have personal experi- ence with such projects themselves. with their faculty about their teaching and research face-to-face when they can. cache/crln-17469.pdf txt/crln-17469.txt