id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-17432 Green, Kristin E. C. Meet them in the proximal zone: Introducing framework concepts to “novice learners” using reference sources 2018-11-08 4 .pdf application/pdf 2161 111 43 Reference sources and the Framework’s novice learner Through purposeful reflection of self- practice, conscious application of con- structivist theory, and continual observa- tion of student knowledge gaps, reference sources emerged as ideal teaching tools to introduce Framework concepts and to fulfill many of the students’ learning needs in their early years of higher educa- tion. The main impetus driving the guidance of college students from within their information literacy proximal zone of development into their actual development level is recognizing how and when these struggles will occur as related to academic research. cache/crln-17432.pdf txt/crln-17432.txt