id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-16806 Middleton, Cheryl A. Closing the divide: Subject librarians and scholarly communication librarians can work together to reach common goals 2017-11-03 3 .pdf application/pdf 1700 59 28 With the acknowledgment that there are numerous resources available to inform scholarly communication practices, several of the resources I have found to be helpful in thinking about these practices are the ACRL Scholarly Communica- tion Toolkit,6 ACRL Intersections of Scholarly Communication and Information Literacy,7 and the SPARC website.8 I have found all of these resources helpful in providing a good overview of scholarly communication advocacy efforts and practices, to shape strategies to promote scholarly communication at our institutions, and shape the narrative our liaison librarians can use to document the impact of their work. In 2010, Kara Malenfant, ACRL senior strategist for special initiatives, detailed the collaboration and systems thinking approach that UML used to define and identify a baseline expertise in scholarly communication for their liaison librar- ians.4 Successful strategies that UML deployed included an investment in training and profes- sional development that centered on scholarly communication for their liaisons, documenting expectations related to scholarly communication in position descriptions, creating annual goals per the expectations, and assessing how well liaison librarians were meeting the goals related to scholarly communication. cache/crln-16806.pdf txt/crln-16806.txt