id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt austen-mansfield_010-1814 austen austen-mansfield_010-1814 1814 .txt text/plain 3373 161 80 She listened, and at length she heard; she heard voices and feet approaching; but she had just satisfied herself that it was not those she wanted, when Miss Bertram, Mr. Rushworth, and Mr. Crawford issued from the same path which she had trod herself, and were before her. Nothing was fixed on; but Henry Crawford was full of ideas and projects, and, generally speaking, whatever he proposed was immediately approved, first by her, and then by Mr. Rushworth, whose principal business seemed to be to hear the others, and who scarcely risked an original thought of his own beyond a wish that they had seen his friend Smith's place. cache/austen-mansfield_010-1814.txt txt/austen-mansfield_010-1814.txt