id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt chapter-35 chapter-35 .txt text/plain 8470 569 89 present, they noticed that Pao-yü was reclining on the couch and Mrs. Hsüeh inquired of him whether he felt any better. "Quite so," smiled Pao-yü, "yet though senior sister-in-law Chia Chu Pao-yü had tried to lead old lady Chia on, originally with the idea of Pao-ch'ai," he cried, "when you've had your repast, do tell Ying Erh to "My dear child," remarked old lady Chia, "do let her come and twist a "We'll send her to plait them!" Mrs. Hsüeh and Pao-ch'ai observed their meal forthwith said to Ying Erh: "Your Master Secundus, Mr. Pao-yü, just asked that you should go and twist a few girdles for him; at the time chatting and laughing with Pao-yü; but the moment they saw "My dear girl;" smiled Pao-yü, "if you want to show temper, better do "I was just now so bent upon talking," Pao-yü smiled to Ying Erh, "that Pao-yü watched Ying Erh make the nets. ./cache/chapter-35.txt ./txt/chapter-35.txt