id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt chapter-31 chapter-31 .txt text/plain 7670 572 93 Pao-yü allows the girl Ch'ing Wen to tear his fan so as to afford her "Master Secundus," replied Ch'ing Wen with a sardonic smile, "your Hsi Jen quickly snatched Pao-yü's hand. Pao-yü and Lin Tai-yü blurted out laughing. "Miss Lin," smiled Hsi Jen, "you're not aware of the purpose of my "You'd better be a little more sober-minded!" laughed Hsi Jen. "I'm so shaky," smiled Ch'ing Wen "that even fans slip out of my hands, "Is cousin Pao-yü not at home?" inquired Hsiang-yün." "What good thing is it?" asked Hsiang-yün. "Is cousin Hsi Jen all right?" inquired Hsiang-yün. "Look here!" Lin Tai-yü smiled, "what a girl she is! "It's you who behave like a dunce now!" Shih Hsiang-yün smiled. "You stupid thing!" exclaimed Hsiang-yün smiling, "the more you talk, "The Yin and Yang," explained Hsiang-yün, "are no more than spirits, "The unicorn," explained Pao-yü, "I got the other day." ./cache/chapter-31.txt ./txt/chapter-31.txt